Our Partnership

"Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories you tell.”

— Seth Godin


I don’t have a secret formula that will 10x your growth overnight or guarantee results.

Even if I did, you and your business are so much more unique, personal, and important than any cookie-cutter approach could offer.

And that is actually the good news. 

YOUR STORY is the key to unlocking what you desire for yourself and your business. 

And our partnership opens the door for that story to be told.

Here’s the thing…

Marketing is so much more than tactics and transactional services. It’s about creating deeper meaning and connection with your community. 

Your marketing needs to be relational. It needs to be genuine. And it needs to get people excited.  

Your audience wants YOU…not a well-designed brochure, the latest social media trend, or a flashy website. The connection you want to create and the results that follow require something more than pretty colors and words on a page.

It requires telling YOUR story.

This is the part where I’m supposed to list all of the services I provide that will help you do that, right?


I mean I could, but I’m not going to. Because we need to co-create what those are first. 

I firmly believe you can’t copy and paste your way to great work or great outcomes. 

What I do is custom built for you and aligned with your mission, vision, and values. What I learn about YOU determines the approach and tactics, not a done-for-you template.  

My Connection-Creating Methodology

The stories we love are the ones we feel most connected to. The same goes for you and your business. 

So, our connection is the first step. That’s right. You and me. Two points connected by and. 

I want to know you, your meaningful mission, and why it matters so damn much to you. 

You provide the vision, values, and vibe based on your knowledge, expertise, and experience. And I structure, implement, test, and refine it based on my knowledge, expertise, and experience.

Once we are on the same page, we can tell your story and invite others to engage with you based on it. That invitation becomes the bridge between you and your community that connects you and becomes a powerful platform for engagement, action, and advocacy.

This is what moves your story - and your business - forward to the next chapter. 

My methodology is rooted in these core principles:

01 — Clarity

We begin the process by focusing on what’s most meaningful to you and your purpose. This is the step that mistakenly often gets missed. If your story isn’t clear to you or me, it won’t be clear to anyone else either.

02 — Strategy

This is where we craft your story and build a plan that feels right to you based on intention, choice, and purpose. 

03 — Testing

We continuously edit and experiment with your story to determine what works and doesn’t, setting measurements and milestones along the way.

04 — Revision

We continuously proofread and revise your story-telling methods using available data to make changes based on what we know.

05 — Evolution

Your story and your marketing continues to evolve as you continue to evolve. Nothing stays stagnant and we're continually refining things. 

My methodology is based on you, your business, and the story YOU want to tell.

It’s built on realistic goals and expectations to achieve what is way more important: creating a deeper relationship with your community that’s sustainable and scalable.

The best stories are often told over coffee. And I’m here to listen to yours.

So, you grab your cup, I’ll grab mine, and let’s connect.