Hi, I’m Emily!
I’m a do-gooder that works with do-gooders.
So, if you’re here, reading this, that’s you!
My Story
Since high school, I knew I wanted to pursue a career in marketing. I dreamed of the day I’d be on my own. A working professional! I wanted to be Mary Tyler Moore in the opening credits of her show, throwing my hat up in the air, living my best life in the big city. Confident. Successful. Independent. Nothing can stop me!!!
(Note: Beyond watching a reunion special with my mother, I have never, to my knowledge, actually watched an episode of the Mary Tyler Moore Show. And, as the do-gooder that I am, I feel the need to tell you this because it would feel like I'm lying if I didn’t!)
Fast forward almost 20 years later. I’m at my breaking point. After spending over a decade clawing my way to the middle of the corporate ladder, I was done. I felt limited and trapped, my ideas and creativity stifled. I wasn’t growing professionally in the way I wanted to be. I wasn’t where I wanted to be. I wasn’t who I wanted to be.
I was burning out and couldn’t see the forest through the trees. That internal struggle put me in a constant state of pressure, fear, stress, and resentment.
The only way out seemed to be to quit my job.
So I did.
I’ve happily left the corporate world behind. It only took a near-nervous breakdown.
While this almost breakdown was one of the worst experiences of my life, it was also a gift. Because it reconnected me to the passion for marketing I had in high school that I thought I’d lost.
What I realized…and this is the part that’s hard to admit…is that I had spent most of my career thinking about marketing in a way that is COMPLETELY WRONG.
What I was doing wasn’t necessarily wrong. (Hello, do-gooder here, of course I’m following the rules and best practices!) But my mindset was focused on the wrong things, which put me and the work on a path that didn’t serve anyone.
Society tells us it’s all about, and only ever about, the outcome. From this perspective, the only value of marketing is in getting to the desired outcome. And yet, that way of thinking negates the value of what is learned about the brand message, its relevance, and its resonance with your ideal audience.
Since the day I walked away from the corporate world, everything I’ve done has been with purpose and intention.
I started a business, became a certified leadership coach, managed a political campaign, worked with youth, and became more involved with my community.
I intentionally choose based on my purpose and values.
Now, as the founder of Purposely Driven Marketing, I have the joy of doing what I love to do without limits.
And what I love to do is work with clients whose purpose is just as important in their lives as mine is to me.
I know what it’s like to feel stuck going down a path that doesn’t feel good.
The good news? You don’t have to go through what I did to get to a place where it does.
When we work together, your purpose comes first. We focus on what feels right to YOU. And it’s typically not what everyone else is doing.
I will be your partner in this work. I’m with you every step of the way on this “feel good” journey.
Together, we’ll bring together all the moving pieces of your big vision to create, organize, and execute purpose-driven marketing programs that amplify your voice, unite people for the common good, and move your mission forward.